How do I make an offer?

Step 1

Navigate to Lend/ Asset listing page of the app.

You should land on the asset listing page with tons of filters on the left as shown below.

Step 2

Click on the asset you are interested in to make the offer. As such, offers are made to an asset at a time.

Notice the Make Offer button.

Step 3

Click on the Make Offer button.

As an offer provider, you can provide your terms and conditions of the offer to the asset owner.

For example, you may choose the amount of ETH, the duration of the loan as well as the APR associated with the loan offer.

Add all the details and click the Make Offer button again.

Confirm your offer as shown below.

Step 4

As you confirm the order, the asset owner receives an offer notification right on their app as shown below.

The asset owner can now accept the offer, or even propose new terms of loans. This new communication will also be sent to the offer maker as an app notification.

Typically, as an offer is confirmed, both the asset owner and offer maker get the final notification.

That's it!

We hope this how-to article helped you understand how to use the Liqd platform.

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